HS2 Euston Station
Euston will be the London terminus station for HS2, bringing services to the heart of the capital. Once complete, HS2 will more than double t ... |
Elbe Philharmonic Hall
The Elbe Philharmonic Hall is a stunning landmark in Hamburg. It is a highly complex building with densely intertwined pipes, tubes, steel and conc ... |
Anna-Seiler-Haus, new main building of the Inselspital Bern
With the new main building of the Inselspital Bern, the new Swiss Heart and Vascular Center is being built in construction area 12. The 18-story bu ... |
Office Nord Hilti AG
The Hilti Group is investing in the upgrading of its headquarters in Schaan and is developing the new "Office Nord" building. Construction was expe ... |
Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions OU Cement
With this implementation at tkIS, the BIM methodology is introduced to large-scale plant construction. For several years, thyssenkrupp Industrial S ... |